Primarily, all of my cooking days raising five lively busy children were spent with a hodge-podge of cookware. I have always loved to cook....and bake.....and eat! :) I even loved going to the grocery store. As I moved into "Empty-nestdom", I found myself dreading those tasks. Not baking because we were bulging, trying to cook healthy was a challenge.
In order to encourage myself to eat out less, I decided new cookware might inspire me. I deserved it right? Another little deciding factor for me was questioning whether aluminum in some of my pots and pans could contribute to Alzheimer's. I know the jury is still out on this. As I cared for my aging mother with this disease, I found myself doing research to do anything to avoid this heartbreaking ailment.
I soon discovered the cookware I wanted was All Clad. The construction heats food evenly, clean easily, they polish up beautifully and they are very sturdy. They appear to be the chefs choice. When having lunch with a friend, the conversation turned to cooking. We were both considering our purchase of All Clad! So following lunch we skirted over to Williams Sonoma to check them out firsthand. That is where I ended up purchasing my set. They are less expensive if you buy a set rather than by the piece. Then you can add pieces you want to add.
So if you were wondering, (some were) about the cookware living in my pull-out drawer, that is my set. I simply love cooking in them. They are a bit pricey, but an investment you will only make once in a lifetime. In fact my youngest son has already laid claim to them when I am resting in a place where there is hopefully no fire, and no need for pots or pans! lol But I think maybe he might have to fight his sisters for them! :)
Don't they just look pretty?
Organization ideas, simplifying, great storage ideas, creative gifts, gardening and lovely outdoor spaces, creating and decorating on a budget, repurposing and making the old new, and loving shabby chic. Being able to find what you need when you need it. Take back control of the "things" in your life, love where you are and love what you have so you can enjoy the ride.
Organize Simplify Create Design
It is perpetual, living life and keeping it simple. Peace of mind comes from having a place for things. As I watched "Horton Hears a Who", with my grandchildren I thought about no matter how "tiny" the thing, it deserves a home. So I live by the old adage, a place for everything and everything in its respective place...
About Me

- Shirley
- Houston, Texas, United States
- Ten things I am or have been: 1 Wife, 2 Mother of five, 3 Grandmother of 16, 4 Hair Dresser, 5 Bookkeeper 6 Bank Teller, 7 Scrapbook Store Owner, 8 Reporter, 9 Gardener, 10 Photographer,